The area is solidly fundamentalist Christian and neoconservative, steeped in the gloomy ultra-Protestant assumption that man is an evil, worthless thing from birth and goes downhill from there.

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PirelliAnne-Stine Ruud HusevågFriskusenBerit RBente L.Hilde Merete GjessingHanne Kvernmo RyeEirin EftevandLinda NyrudEgil StangelandHarald Kmay britt FagertveitVegard Nordin LøvåAkima MontgomeryPiippokattaCarine OlsrødNicolai Alexander StyveMai-Britt GrøsfjeldHeidi LRufsetufsaBertyritaolineSolMarit AamdalIngunn SAnne Berit GrønbechSiriG LBjørg L.Lars Johann MiljeBjørn SturødsomniferumGromgeKarin BergMartinKirsten LundStian AxdalKristin71Norah