The Sookie Stackhouse companion

a complete guide to the Sookie Stackhouse series

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2011 Heftet

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Elina S. Bjørviks eksemplar av The Sookie Stackhouse companion - a complete guide to the Sookie Stackhouse series


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Fantasy / sci-fi o.l


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THE SOOKIE STACKHOUSE COMPANION is a unique guide to Sookie Stackhouse and her dark fantasy southern-Gothic world, as well as an in-depth look at the award-winning HBO series TRUE BLOOD. The book will feature a brand-new Sookie story and Charlaine's own map of Bon Temps, never before published, with every place of interest in the town, including Merlotte's bar and Sookie's home. Other treats include: * An introduction by Charlaine about the impact Sookie Stackhouse has had on her writing career, and the influence on the genre at large * A large section on the award-winning HBO series TRUE BLOOD * Detailed summaries of each novel and entries on every important character, event and setting in the series, in Sookie's voice. * An overview of Sookie's world, including information on the vampires, shapeshifter/wereanimal, and fairie factions * Interviews with Charlaine Harris and Alan Ball * A selection of favourite Bon Temps recipes


Utgivelsesår 2011

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780575097537

EAN 9780575097537

Genre Fantasy

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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