The best American short stories 2008

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2009 Heftet

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This brilliant collection, edited by the award-winning and perennially provocative Salman Rushdie, boasts a "magnificent array" (Library Journal) of voices both new and recognized.With Rushdie at the helm, the 2008 edition "reflects the variety of substance and style and the consistent quality that readers have come to expect" (Publishers Weekly). "We all live in and with and by stories, every day, whoever and wherever we are. The freedom to tell each other the stories of ourselves, to retell the stories of our culture and beliefs, is profoundly connected to the larger subject of freedom itself."--Salman Rushdie, editor The Best American Short Stories 2008 includes KEVIN BROCKMEIER - ALLEGRA GOODMAN - A. M. HOMES - NICOLE KRAUSS - JONATHAN LETHEM - STEVEN MILLHAUSER - DANIYAL MUEENUDDIN - ALICE MUNRO - GEORGE SAUNDERS - TOBIAS WOLFF - and others

Omtale fra forlaget

This brilliant collection, edited by the award-winning and perennially provocative Salman Rushdie, boasts a "magnificent array" (Library Journal) of voices both new and recognized.With Rushdie at the helm, the 2008 edition "reflects the variety of substance and style and the consistent quality that readers have come to expect" (Publishers Weekly). "We all live in and with and by stories, every day, whoever and wherever we are. The freedom to tell each other the stories of ourselves, to retell the stories of our culture and beliefs, is profoundly connected to the larger subject of freedom itself."--Salman Rushdie, editor The Best American Short Stories 2008 includes KEVIN BROCKMEIER - ALLEGRA GOODMAN - A. M. HOMES - NICOLE KRAUSS - JONATHAN LETHEM - STEVEN MILLHAUSER - DANIYAL MUEENUDDIN - ALICE MUNRO - GEORGE SAUNDERS - TOBIAS WOLFF - and others


Utgivelsesår 2009

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780618788774

EAN 9780618788774

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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