The assassin's apprentice

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2014 Heftet

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`Fantasy as it ought to be written' George R.R. MartinThe kingdom of the Six Duchies is on the brink of civil war when news breaks that the crown prince has fathered a bastard son and is shamed into abdication. The child's name is Fitz, and his is despised.Raised in the castle stables, only the company of the king's fool, the ragged children of the lower city and his unusual affinity with animals provide Fitz with any comfort.To be useful to the crown, Fitz is trained as an assassin; and to use the traditional magic of the Farseer family. But his tutor, allied to another political faction, is determined to discredit, even kill him. Fitz must survive: for he may be destined to save the kingdom.


Utgivelsesår 2014

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780007562251

EAN 9780007562251

Serie The Farseer trilogy (1)

Genre Fantasy

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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The simple act of offering up her mouth to mine, was like the opening of a floodgate. What followed was a seamless continuation of her kiss. We did not pause to consider wisdom or morality, we did not hesitate at all. The permission we gave each other was absolute. We ventured together into that newness, and I cannot imagine a deeper joining than our shared amazement brought us. We both came whole that night, unfettered by expectations or memories of others. I had no more right to her than she had to me. But I gave and I took and I swear I shall never regret it.

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What I sensed from here was not despair, but containment: a fierce resolve that we would not lose what we had now to what we could not have tomorrow.

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Someone already fills your heart. And the gap between our stations is too great for any love to bridge.

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1. Classic fantasy: Robin Hobb - "Assasin´s Apprentice"
2. Magic school: J. K. Rowling - "Harry Potter And the Half-blood Prince"
3. Necromancers
4. PTSD: Tahereh Mafi - "Shatter me"
5. Dragons
6. Fairytale (retelling)
7. Grimdark: Jan Roar Leikvoll - «Fiolinane»
8. Ghosts: Charles Dickens - "A Christmas carol"
9. Uncommon fantasy creatures: Terry Pratchett - "The light fantastic" (example: druids and trolls rarely appear in books, the sentient Luggage, and so forth)
10. Shapeshifters: Sarah J. Maas - "Empire of storms"
11. Gods: Terry Pratchett - "The colour of magic"
12. Animal companions: Philip Pullman - "The Amber Spyglass"
13. Maternal heritage
14. Set in our world: J. K. Rowling - "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"
15. Witches: Kelly Barnhill - "The girl who drank the moon"
16. Magical Law Enforcement: Ben Aaronovitch - "Rivers of London"
17. Thief: Leigh Bardugo - "Six of crows"
18. Pirates
19. Portal Fantasy: Philip Pullman - "The Subtle Knife"
20. Warrior: Lian Hearn - "I lys av månen"


1. On a different planet: Ursula le Guin - "Left hand of darkness"
2. Utopia: Ursula le Guin - "The dispossessed"
3. Space ship: Stanislaw Lem - "The star diaries"
4. Steampunk
5. Time Travel: Diana Gabaldon - "Outlander"
6. Artificial Intelligence pov
7. Proto Sci-fi
8. Hive
9. Alien
10. Virtual reality
11. Super powers: Jessica Townsend - "Wundersmith: The Calling of Morrigan Crow"
12. Science
13. Replicate
14. Space colonization
15. Mecha
16. Space creatures/beasts
17. Teleportation: Madeleine L´engle - "A wrinkle in time"
18. Space western
19. The moon: N. K. Jemisin - "Stone sky"
20. Invasion

1. Satire: Terry Pratchett og Neil Gaiman - «Good Omens»
2. Under 500 pages: Dag Solstad - "Genanse og verdighet" (eller må det også være fantasy i denne kategorien?)
3. Over 800 pages: Sarah J. Maas - "Kingdom of Ash"
4. Novella: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - "A study in scarlet"
5. Finish a series: Lian Hearn - "Barn av Otori" "
6. Mental health: Gail Honeyman - "Eleanor Oliphant har det helt fint"
7. Disability
8. Published before 1991: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - "The Sign of the Four"
9. Set in Africa
10. Library: Sarah J. Maas - "Tower of Dawn"
11. By a woman of color: N. S. Jemisin - "The obelisk gate"
12. One word title: Neil Shusterman - "Scythe"

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